Monthly Archives: August 2019

ACE360 Apprenticeship Management System for Standards: Information Session Dates

ACE360 Apprenticeship Management System for Standards: Information Session Dates

The Federation for Industry Sector Skills and Standards will be hosting the next in our series of webinar information sessions on the ACE360 Apprenticeship Management System during August and September.

Our next information sessions for training providers, to familiarise them with the system and demonstrate how easy it is to create Apprentice records, link with EPAOs and upload evidence for EPAs  will take place on the following dates:

20th August 2019 10:00am Sign up here

2nd September 15:00pm Sign up here

19th September 10:00am Sign up here

30th September 13:30pm Sign up here

ACE360 is an industry-wide Apprenticeship Management System that enables you to manage Apprenticeship Standards efficiently, securely, and paper free. You can find out more about ACE360’s benefits to training providers here

Apprenticeships in numbers

Headline numbers for the period from 1st August 2018 to 31st May 2019 (10 months of the academic year) were released on the 25th July for England. There has been a slight increase in Apprenticeship starts during this year, some 6.6 % up on last year with 336,900 apprenticeship starts reported so far for the 2018/19 academic year – up from 315,900 starts reported at this time in 2017/18. This is welcome news but still over 30% down on the starts for this period for 2016/17, just as the Apprenticeship levy was introduced.

Move towards Standards

Starts on Standards have increased to 62% per cent of total apprenticeship starts in this period, up from just over 41% for the same period last year. This does mean that 38% of starts remain on Apprenticeship Frameworks, accounting for 127,600 starts in 10 months.

View Apprenticeships and Levy Statistics document from the Department of Education

Levy funded starts account for 55% of all starts this year.
The type and levy of starts have also changed dramatically with a 9.8% fall in the
apprenticeships taken up by the 16-18 age group and a 10% increase in those taken by the 19+
age group.

Whilst Intermediate starts (L2) have fallen by over a quarter (27.5%), Higher level
apprenticeships (L4 and beyond) have increased by 51.3%.

Full data can be found at Apprenticeships and Traineeship Data July 2019