Author Archives: Danielle McGregor

ACE System Offline 06/01/2015 and 09/01/2015 – 12/01/2015

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Federation have been forced to find new hosting suppliers for our Websites and Online Certification Systems (ACE, ACW and MA Online v2). Unfortunately a delay with our new supplier has meant that the domain has been placed offline temporarily. We are working to get the system back up and running as quickly as possible however ACE may be offline until 10 a.m. tomorrow morning (7th January). You will not be able to view the ACE website or access the system during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and we will keep you all informed of any developments throughout the day.


Whilst this current downtime was unexpected, we have essential maintenance scheduled to start at 9a.m on Friday 9th January. You will not be able to access, and during this period of maintenance. We anticipate that this will be completed by 9a.m. on Monday 12th January and you will be able to access all websites as normal from this time.


We apologise again for the disruption caused by this maintenance and we thank you for your patience. If you have any questions please contact the System Support Team on 0300 303 4444 (option 1, option 1) and


FISSS are moving!

The Federation team are moving on 8 September 2014.

From Monday our telephone number will be 0300 303 4444. And our registered address will be 3rd Floor, 101 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3ES.

Thank you in advance for updating your records. If you need any further information please email us at


Apprenticeship Development – Transitional Arrangements

Thank you for providing details about your current programme of Apprenticeship framework development.

The plans for each sector have been considered alongside government’s stated aim that from 2017/18 all new Apprenticeship starts in England will be based on new standards.  The directions below are now issued on behalf of the Secretary of State under s13(3) of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009:

Directions for Apprenticeship Issuing Authorities on behalf of the Secretary of State

After 31 August 2014 an English Issuing Authority:

a. must not issue any new English Apprenticeship framework;

b. must not amend any English Apprenticeship framework to create a new pathway;

c. may amend an issued English Apprenticeship framework or pathway where there is a compelling reason to do so.

Work to develop Trailblazer standards is now underway with the publication of the first eleven standards in early March, along with the announcement of the next 29 Trailblazers.  I know many of you are part of one or more of the Trailblazers.

Officials will work with FISSS, UKCES and SFA to develop advice and guidance on the transition for their websites and to stop the issue of new frameworks on the Apprenticeship Frameworks Online (AFO) system after 31 August 2014.  This will also include communication to stakeholders including, training providers and FE colleges in England.  Guidance will be developed to help Issuing Authorities make decisions about what may constitute a compelling reason for an amendment.

If you have any queries please contact